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Quick Start

Step 1: Installation

In your React Native (or Expo) project, install the Zephyr library:

npm install react-native-zephyr

See the Installation guide for more details on installation.

Step 2: Wrap your app in a StyleProvider

Then wrap your app in a StyleProvider instance, which is used by Zephyr under the hood (for things such as dark mode support).

import { StyleProvider } from "react-native-zephyr";

export const App = () => {
return (
{/* The rest of your app body... */}

Step 3: Create a Style Builder

Then use the createStyleBuilder method to generate styling helpers. We recommend you have a single Zephyr instance for your entire app, so it's best to create your styling utilities in a dedicated file and export what you need for the rest of your app to consume.

import { createStyleBuilder } from "react-native-zephyr";

export const { styles, useStyles, makeStyledComponent } = createStyleBuilder();

These three styling helpers work similarly under the hood, and can be used in various scenarios. We'll start by wrapping some standard React Native UI components with our makeStyledComponent helper so that we can hit the ground running.

import { createStyleBuilder } from "react-native-zephyr";
import { View, Text } from "react-native";

export const { styles, useStyles, makeStyledComponent, styled } = createStyleBuilder();

// Export some styled components
export const StyledView = makeStyledComponent(View);
export const StyledText = makeStyledComponent(Text);

These new, wrapped components (StyledView and StyledText) expose classes and darkClasses props that allow you to pass in baseline style classes, as well as style classes to be merged in dark mode.

Step 4: Start styling!

With your new style helpers (see Default Classes and Default Theme for more info on style classes you get out of the box), you can quickly style elements.

import * as React from "react";
import { StyledView, StyledText } from "./styles";

export const MyComponent = () => {
return (
classes={["flex:1", "bg:purple-100", "justify:center", "items:center"]}
classes={["text:5xl", "color:gray-800"]}
Hey world

This small amount of React will generate the following (left: in light mode, right: in dark mode).

Hello world example


IMPORTANT! The createStyleBuilder function returns multiple core utilities that you can use for styling. We recommend you check out the Styling Methods to learn about the different ways you can use Zephyr to style UI elements. These include:

  • A raw function styles that transforms a list of classes to a style object.
  • A hook useStyles that wraps styles and provides dark-mode support.
  • The makeStyledComponent function shown here.
  • A styled method that provides an API similar to Styled Components (but for React Native).

Step 5: Customizing your theme

Zephyr ships with a suite of default style classes that use the default theme to create the applicable style "classes" (such as "w:4"). This default theme is overridable and extendable. To override the default theme constraints, you can pass an overrideTheme argument to createStyleBuilder.

import { createStyleBuilder } from "react-native-zephyr";

const { styles } = createStyleBuilder({
overrideTheme: {
spacing: { sm: 4, md: 8, lg: 16 }

// Now the spacing helpers, like m: and p:, use the spacing constraints above.
styles("px:sm", "py:md", "m:lg");

Note that by passing a constraints field, such as spacing or colors, you'll override the respective default theme constraints. See Extending the theme for more details on how this works. If you want to just extend the default theme constraints, use the extendTheme parameter.

import { createStyleBuilder } from "react-native-zephyr";

const { styles } = createStyleBuilder({
extendTheme: {
colors: { brand: "#ff00ff" }

// The default colors are available, alongside your added colors.
styles("color:red-300", "bg:brand");

Step 6: See what else there is to offer!

Zephyr has a lot more to offer! Here are some things to check out: